Monday, October 12, 2015


Brigham Young Academy. Home of  BY Jr High and High School. Provo, Utah.

      Summer was over and a new Junior High adventure was about to begin. George Taylor and I were still good friends in 7th grade. We had many sleepovers at his parents' house on

Francis Rogers and George Taylor, 7th grade
the mountain. We would stay up past midnight and watch Nightmare Theater. George could do a great imitation of Boris Karloff, "I'm going to suck your blood."

Brigham Young Academy. Education Building.

    On the third floor of the Academy Building was where the girls hung out learning the secrets of cooking and sewing. Located on the second floor was Room 250A, a large room with a hardwood floor, big enough to hold dances.  Nobody ever said a word when we danced cheek to cheek, but the Twist was never allowed.

My standard lunch: Tuna fish sandwich and potato chips.

   The first floor was a combination of four classrooms, one of which morphed into our cafeteria at lunch time. BYUs pink punch and hard rolls were a great addition to Mom's standard lunch of tuna fish sandwiches, chips and an apple.

Mr. Verl Allman dressed up as the Mad Scientist

     Verl Allman was our 7th grade home room and science teacher. His class was held in the basement of the Administration Building. He was in charge of teaching us about animals, and how they reproduced. It was easy to see that he enjoyed his job!  

Verl Allman's 7th Grade Science class on Snake Mountain:
[Back row] Marsha Ann Nelson, Jan Sylvester, Eileen Sheffield, Beverly Burrup,
Jim Tyndal, Dave Clark, Myron Walker;
[Front row] Kim Tangren, Francis Rogers, George Taylor

     The highlight of our class was a field trip to Snake Mountain on the other side of Utah Lake. The slithery reptiles were everywhere. A few of them were poisonous, but most were harmless Western Racers. After having had our fill of snake hunting, we set off for Utah Lake where we waded into the shallow water and wrestled giant carp. Some were almost as big as we were. Junior High was a blast!

1 comment:

  1. Man! What memories, and what photographs! I never remember Verl Allman's garb. But, yes! He was a mad scientist! That day at the snake pit and at the lake is one of my most favorite school memories! GTT
