Tuesday, November 17, 2015


        The Book of Mormon was coming alive! I could feel a connection with the writers, and the

The Book of Mormon in the Triple Combination of Scriptures

more I read the more I wanted to be like them. I was a freshman in High School, taking Seminary from Brother Anderson who had challenged us to read the book “saved by angels just for our time.” Sacred feelings held deep inside of me were beginning to surface. Every time I opened the Book of Mormon I was overwhelmed with God’s closeness and His love for me.


George Taylor

Francis Rogers
Steve Gulbrandsen
       My good friends, George Taylor and Steve Gulbrandsen, were having the same new experience. We would find a quite spot where we could eat lunch and discuss what we were learning and share the feelings we were experiencing while studying the Book of Mormon. We were so excited that Brother Anderson jokingly referred to us as the “Three Nephites.”

        Things started changing at home as well. I needed a quiet sanctuary to pray, read, and meditate. This was not easily come by in our busy household. From my paper route money I saved for a quality speaker to put in my room. I found just what I wanted at Wakefield’s Appliance Store on University Avenue. It cost me about $80, a big chunk of change in those days. I ran wires from our music console in the living room to the speaker in my bedroom in the basement. I invested in inspirational records from the BYU Bookstore. Their quiet music could be piped down into my “meditation chamber.”

Francis's original copy of the Articles of Faith by James E. Talmage
        I bought Jesus the Christ and the Articles of Faith, and began my own collection of good books. I also purchased a 16x20” painting of Christ to hang on my bedroom wall.

Francis bought a copy of this painting. "The Head of Christ" by Walter Sallman. 1940.

        And finally, I installed a deadbolt lock on my bedroom door for privacy. It was during this highly spiritual time in my life that I received my patriarchal blessing at the hands of Theras Orson Allred, Patriarch of the Sharon East Stake in Provo.

        Over the next few years we studied the Doctrine and Covenants, Church History, and the Old and New Testaments. This short period in our lives provided a spiritual foundation and gave us building blocks for the future. Steve Gulbrandsen became an international banker and influenced people for good all around the world, while George Taylor served as an administrator with the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Mission President in Las Vegas, and is currently a Stake Patriarch in Orem, Utah. I spent ten years as an Indian Seminary Principal in New Mexico and Utah doing my best to help bring about the “Day of the Lamanite.” It was great having two dedicated friends who influenced my life in such a positive way!

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