Wednesday, September 2, 2015


     By third grade, Elementary school was getting more interesting, a place to learn important secrets about life, like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. There were even rumors going around about the difference between boys and girls and their equipment down below. This led to a mutually agreed upon fair exchange of facts, a rock solid verification with a young neighbor girl. No touching. Just a quick overall observation and a "pinky swear" never to tell.  -- Well, somebody told, because the next day I was invited into the neighbors’ garage for a party. Her older brother and friends threw a blanket over me and took turns punching my lights out. My curiosity had been satisfied though at a painful price.
     It was in school that I met Mickey. He was a cool young boy whose mother dressed him like a movie star.
Blue suede shoes, slacks not Levis. He could have passed for a young Elvis. Mickey lived in a basement house. The basement was finished and a temporary roof was tarred over the space where the main floor would someday go.
    His mother invited me over one day to play with Mickey. After playing with most of his great toys it was time to head for home. A quick potty stop and I would be on my way. The bathroom door was open and the shower going. I was sure no one would mind if I took a quick peek. There stood Mickey's mother in her full naked glory. She just smiled and gently pulled the curtain just a little tighter.
    Oh boy! I was in trouble now. Big trouble! One phone call to my house and it wouldn't be the neighbor boys throwing the blanket party. The phone call never came. The subject never came up.  
Mickey continued to be a good friend and his mother continued to make great peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

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