Friday, September 4, 2015



    Our neighborhood was loaded with children of every age, size and shape. The Startup family, who lived just over the fence to the north of us, won the prize for the most kids. Sheryl was my sister, Kay's, best friend and David was one of my best friends. I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that they owned the Startup Candy Company in town. Their factory still exists on 5th South and 100 West in Provo.

Historic Startup Candy Company Provo, Utah.

    The Startup's basement had two special attractions. To begin with they owned the first black and white television in the neighborhood and second, the basement was filled with cases of candy stacked from floor to ceiling. Every kid's dream! That's where I became addicted to the wonders of television. I would show up early on Saturday morning shortly after the Indian Head test pattern disappeared, and watch a barrage of Westerns and kids shows. My favorites were the Lone Ranger and Howdy Doody. The Startups' supply of candy became my second addiction.

Parked in their garage was a candy apple red delivery truck stuffed with boxes and shelves of everyone's favorite candy. A giant cornucopia of temptation just waiting for a kid like me to dive in!
Startup's Candy Company red delivery truck.

     Early one morning I decided the time was right. I slithered quietly over the fence, through the back door of their garage, and into the delivery truck, ready to load my pockets and make my escape. I was at the pocket filling stage when the garage door suddenly rolled up and there stood Mr. Startup, dressed in his newly pressed coveralls, heading for the delivery truck. I was trapped. No way out without being caught!

    I made myself as small as possible and crouched behind a stack of Milky Way boxes. Mr. Startup opened the truck door, slid into the driver's seat and fired up the engine. Oh great! Now I wouldn't have a chance to escape until he made his first delivery stop. For all I knew that could be in Springville or Spanish Fork, miles from home. My heart beat fast and my palms began to sweat. It's over. I'm a dead man, caught in the act! No more invites to watch T.V., and no more free samples of Startup's special Christmas candy.
Startup's Candy Watermelon Succers
    Suddenly the truck door flung open and Mr. Startup dashed back into the house. He must have forgotten something. This was my chance. Quickly snatching a handful of candy, I was out of the truck, out of the garage, and half way home before I heard the truck engine roar as it bounced along Cherry Lane. Phew! Close call. Maybe that wasn't such a good idea!

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